Dec 26, 2008

Feynman: Take the world from another point of view 9 min

This post is mainly for my reference and also, I suspect, for my brother D. It is an interview with some dude that is researching quantum mechanics and I believe it is circa 1970(ish). This 4 part video spans philosophy and physics with a touch opf mathmatics.
Maybe you won't be interested in that but what intrigues me is the method of his thinking. It borders upon the insane but the reasonings are unreproachable.

part ll (9 min)
part lll (9:36 min)
part llll (9:02 min)

Dec 24, 2008

Santa Claus Boot Camp

h/t anewdawn

Dec 22, 2008

This is sick

and very funny

Raging Rudolph


Let's go Icefishing

h/t anewdawn

Dec 21, 2008



h/t AuntD

Inside the space station... so cool!

h/t SALBob

Dolphin Stampede

This is a great video if you like dolphin
h/t anewdawn

Dec 20, 2008

R/C plane stunt flying indoors

This is pretty cool work
h/t anewdawn

Dec 13, 2008

rock, paper, scissors

I love rock, paper, scissors as a waty to solve any dispute, but I have
never considered how lame paper actually was.

Don't forget that CHARITY begins at home!!

Dec 8, 2008



Dec 7, 2008

Meet Your Meat

Sorry the video was too fat to go to my blog or to you. Watch it here:
(for some reason you need to right click the link and save it to your computer to view.)
BAH! Bill Gates!!

Honesty is the best policy

Whoever said that was a damn liar.
Want proof, just watch the video for an honest to goodness look at what the capitalist bastards are doing to us. They are destroying any form of humanity we have left and they are making millions (billions?) doing it. The video is entitled "Meet Your Meat" and it is a look at what has become of those old ineffecient family farms. Why would somebody raise healthy delious meat when they can work for disneyland and make oodles of money to buy bacon.
If you got the guts - watch this and think about it when you are at WALMART. Don't worry I am not asking  you to become a vegatarian, because Monsanto and Dow and the like has perverted your vegatable selections also. We are doomed. Your children and their children are doomed. We need to take control BACK like the French did during their bourgeois revolution.
What kind of monsters work in a place like in this video? Regular people that need to pay their mortgage and have slowly become desensitized. Sad, very sad.

Conspiracy Therorist's

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of sheep making fun of people that have informed themselves. It seems that stupid people only appreciate stupid people and think that smart people should shut up so the stupid people don't feel bad about being stupid.
Everyone knows there are rich people controlling our society for their own personal gain, but when a person points it out and screams STOP! All the sheep go baaaaa baaaa and run to the guy with the axe. We know detroit is working with big oil, we know we have had the technology for YEARS to get us away from sucking the tit of arabia, but have hidden it. When are we going to say STOP IT and kill the guy with the axe?

Dec 6, 2008

Cookie Blues

Are sadistic people funny or are funny people sadistic?

Proof The Irish discovered Africa

Sorry but I love silly crap like this!

To All My Brooklyn Friends-


-and for those who WISH they were from Brooklyn




Extreme enough?

I have a feeling this is one fake video, but it is cool anyway.

When an Engineer Has a Dog ----- really neat


Beware of The Dog House!

Happy Penguin

This is a great video of Orca (killer) whales chasing a penguin around in the artic. The penguin makes an ingeniuos get-away.






Dec 3, 2008

Larry's Carols

h/t to anewdawn

Dec 1, 2008

two funny cat videos


Commercial ~(:>D)

OK, I have no idea where my good friend anewdawn gets all the videos, jokes,
pictures and stuff that she sends me. I like most of them and feel like
sharing. This one might make your chuckle.

h/t anewdawn
If you are on the hunt for great Freebies, check out Dawn's Daily Dandies

Politically incorrect Chrtistmas Stories

Watch this little clip of Larry the Cable Guy about christmas. Larry is from Sanford, FL and still lives here, though I haven't seen him at wal-mart-- yet.
**Disclaimer - I have NO problem with people hating on christmas, because there is NOTHING christian about it. It is not related to the birth of christ and santa is not religious. I say keep Christ out of christmas, as he did not ordain it, nor does it respect ANY christian teachings or principles. It IS a secular holiday and the proof is in YOUR HOLY BIBLE. With that said this IS funny.
h/t to anewdawn - If you are on the hunt for great Freebies, check out Dawn's Daily Dandies


Nov 30, 2008

11-Year-Old Yodeler

If you don't smile AND clap (*or tap) please rush to the emergency
room...cause you are dead!

h/t anewdawn
If you are on the hunt for great Freebies, check out Dawn's Daily Dandies

Nov 28, 2008

it is your money that the government is gifting to the multi-millionaires

This bailout costs more than Marshall Plan, Louisiana Purchase, moonshot, S&L bailout, Korean War, New Deal, Iraq war, Vietnam war, and NASA's lifetime budget -- combined! 

Crunching the inflation adjusted numbers, we find the bailout has cost more than all of these big budget government expenditures – combined:

• Marshall Plan: Cost: $12.7 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $115.3 billion
• Louisiana Purchase: Cost: $15 million, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $217 billion
• Race to the Moon: Cost: $36.4 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $237 billion
• S&L Crisis: Cost: $153 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $256 billion
• Korean War: Cost: $54 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $454 billion
• The New Deal: Cost: $32 billion (Est), Inflation Adjusted Cost: $500 billion (Est)
• Invasion of Iraq: Cost: $551b, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $597 billion
• Vietnam War: Cost: $111 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $698 billion
• NASA: Cost: $416.7 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $851.2 billion

TOTAL: $3.92 trillion

read the whole story if you dare.... here

but don't worry you can work wih this guy when our nation crashes

If you like football you'll love this clip!

Two High School teams from Texas are playing and with a little over 3 minutes to play Plano East gets the ball. They are losing 41-17, but they don't give up. Watch this entire clip for the ending!

Nov 25, 2008

Pepsi Kicks Cokes Butt

This is a FUNNY ad, even though IMHO Pepsi sucks.
h/t anewdawn

Nov 21, 2008

Who Needs Pockets

You can't watch this and NOT smile!

Nov 19, 2008

This looks easy

Mozart's Symphony No. 40

if the video above doesn't play click this:

Nov 18, 2008

Why Kids Need Pets

Ok, this was too cute to not post.
h/t to anewdawn



Nov 13, 2008


I never thought OBAMA was a muslim, still don't. I don't think he is much of a christian, although who am I to
judge? I don't think there is much difference in the two religions-- about as much difference as is between Native
American Great Spirit and the white man's god, they just used different words for the same thing.
I do think I would have worded my phrases better. I would love to find out where the full interview is so I can see
what came before. This looks a little like a little piece of a conversation that - if you saw the rest - would mean
something totally different.

Matrix on Windows

If you liked the movie Matrix you'll love this.

I will Survive Happy Thanks Giving


Oct 21, 2008

LSU vs. USC and The Tackling Referee

This is the funniest thing I have seen in a while

Oct 13, 2008

Oct 3, 2008

Dolphin Rings

Watch the video
Dolphins make air bubbles and play with them

Sep 24, 2008

Sep 17, 2008

Fw: Conservative Christian, Right Wing, Republican, Straight, White, American Males

I know some of you may be shocked to hear this but I think it is painfully obvious that
have been and are more of a problem thansome kinda of cure.
Larry "wide stance" Craig and Ted "I love meth and man-whores" Haggard come
to mind when I hear this song. No I don't believe in everything the song advocates
but I don't advocate Sarah "sharia law" Palin or John "now we torture" McCain for
any part of our government or leadership.
Anyway.... I loved hearing this song too bad it won't ever get played. Too bad people
won't consider what this song is advocating (hint:freedom and liberty) before they
freak out on the words being used.
Without further new theme song....

Sep 12, 2008

Stinking liberals...

happen to be humorous, talented, funny and peacful. That is why repub/conservative/christians want to kill them or jail them or at the least marginalize them.
Yes, I said it. Now watch this video done by the obama campaign. Stop hating the blackman long enough to enjoy this.

Animals Rule!

Animals using tools

Sep 9, 2008

Misheard Lyrics


Beach Boys remix by the Kosovo Boys





This is what happens when you haveSoldiers with some free time on their hands.
Soldiers with audio-video equipment and Soldiers with a GREAT sense of humor......

You've gotta' LOVE guys working in those conditions with this GREAT sense of humor!


Aug 20, 2008

Best Short Film from Mexica at Cannes Film Festival

Please watch this 5 minute award winning film.  It is absolutely beautiful.


h/t anewDawn

Aug 18, 2008

More proof that...Crazy Sprinkler Lady I laughed very hard listening to this


Good thing this didn't happen

This video caught me off gaurd and I almost peed my pants. You hafta make it till the end.
h/t anewdawn





Aug 12, 2008


Diadiktyo Fun

This is a pretty cool video of an animation combating the animator.

Stroll down memory lane

h/t Q

Queen Emily - America's Got Talent 2008

Thisa video got me a little choked up....
h/t anewdawn

Definitely Do NOT Miss Viewing this Video - - Extraordinary Mothers

Dog nurses kittens
Cat nurses a deer
goat nurses a horse
and lepord nurses monkey after killing it's mother
h/t anewdawn

5 yr old play piano better than ME!


Aug 6, 2008

Otters holding hands

cute :)
h/t anewdawn







"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Otters holding hands

cute :)
h/t anewdawn







"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Aug 5, 2008

Safety Message #1

h/t anewdawn


a video about NFL pregame flyovers and the effect on players and spectators alike.
I am a dove, but I love and respect those bad ass machines and the people that pilot them.

playing in sprinkler

Twins + mom moose playing in sprinkler 

Human Dance

what an inspiring dance!
h/t anewDawn

Human Dance

what an inspiring dance!
h/t anewDawn

Fw: Who sez..................women cant park?


Jul 15, 2008

Precision stunt drivers AWESOME video

This reminds me of street cleaning day in Brooklyn
h/t a newDawn


a dog skateboarding

if only you had this much skill
h/t anewDawn

Flying Trapeze

This group does the Flying Trapeze, and you thought your job was demanding. :)

Jul 12, 2008

Homer is Sexy To

A recent paper stated that Homer Simpson is a better father than most U.S. fathers. Maybe you don't believe that, but I do. Homer, a cartoon, spends time with his kids. He is stupid and generally screws up everything, but he is there trying. He watches TV with his kids, how many fathers do that anymore? With most houses having 2,3 or more televisions, everyone can watch what they want... separately .

Anyway the below is a GOOFY song about a cartoon character. I love it, but if you don't know and love Homer you may not, so you have my permission to skip it.

h/t anewDawn

Converted 1975 VW Bug to electric power

Next step is to add solar panels to his house to power his car....for free


This is a goofy video that can be very warming if you care enough. This guy traveled the world, back a couple of years ago, and took video of himself doing a dance iat each location. Cool. I watched the video thinking how lucky the guy was to get to travel like that.

Well he went on to be sponsored by a gum company - I think - and continued his travels. Smart.

Now I bump into this and it is a great video. It look like Matt goes back and dances again, but this time is joined by locals. This nerd has friends on every continent and many different countries. It is a great demonstration on how people are people and if we were exporting fun and life instead of our culture of death this world would be more like....a happy dance.

Jul 6, 2008

2007 Summary will make you laugh

right before you cry
Watch this funny as hell video playing on Jib-Jab right before new years 2008

Sing it backwards only please

This video has had over 14,000 comments on YouTube. Think people have something better to do ...well they don't.
It is a cool video so please watch it.

A whale gets his revenge

A beached whale is blown up by DOT workers (in France)...and it is obvious they need some engineering lessons.

Cop pelts protester with rubber bullets in USSR-Miami

I guess it is not fair to pick on the Russian faction of the new world order, there are the asains, arabs, africans and the europeans, etc. There are gross actions taken by brutal people everywhere, but this is Miami and the protester is a female lawyer acting within her rights.

My main objection is that the PEOPLE that were there did not in some way support her more. But as always it its the lone protester that gets picked on and scares the others.

So Remember this brave AMERICAN as she does what is within her rights and duty and then watch the people we pay to SERVE AND PROTECT violate everything that is sacred in the bill of rights. The ONLY part of the constitution that was made specifically for us.

BTW this video is 3 or 4 years old, but is in line with the "Free Speech Zone" mentality taken hold across the USA's bravest and finest, steroid addicted, Jackboot trained paramilitary police officers.

Zombie George HW Bush talking about controlling the universe

No the Bush's are not the Masters of the Universe ... they just work for them and carry out the most evil and vile deeds. If you think of this sick SOB as president then you are ignoring his full time job. Okay, maybe that is harsh because there was really NO WAY for you to know about his dirty deeds, until the last few years ... thanks to the internet and the vast flow of information and LIES.

The Government hates you for loving them

OKAY, this is silly but it is funny too. President Bush DID say that we needed FISA revamp to keep America from blowing up. The Democrat franchise of our corrupt government said ok, but pulled immunity. Bushie then said he wouldn't sign the bill that would keep us from blowing up. umm, thanks.

Jun 28, 2008

Ball Giril Watch this wall monkey!

I think this might be fake, but boy I hope not, because it is great. Reminds me of my cousin, Paula.

Watch this wall monkey!

h/t anewDawn

An Amazing Young Lady

OK, from the mouth of babes...
I think every person in the room should of rose to their feet and gave her some thunder, but their faint applause was because they had been humbled. More likely they considered her impetious for believing that they could possibly run things better than they are now being run.

Jun 25, 2008


This is the story of stuff, an amazingly simple explanation of our cheap products and how we get them. It is easy to watch and I guarantee you will learn something and think about important issues we have been able to avoid. The jig is up, however, and we now need to think about these things, no matter how painful. :(
Part 1

Part 2

Jun 23, 2008

Advise to terrorist

SAD, but true

Jun 14, 2008

William Shatner for President

from some TV show...
h/t anewDawn

when aliens crash in a small town

h/t anewDawn

Science have figured out why the dinos died.

it's true!!

My pick for Secretary of state

he would bring people together....with dance
h/t anewDawn

a dog skateboarding

h/t anewDawn

Precision stunt drivers AWESOME video

h/t a newDawn


May 3, 2008

Apr 21, 2008


OK. This is awesome. They are extremely strong and motivated. I think they REALLY
like the practice. Curt

h/t Dawn Hunt

Elephant Paints Self Portrait

Lock Bumping, A must see

----- Original Message From: Dawn Hunt
Subject: Kinda scary: Lock Bumping, A must see

watch out for the train


Re: Frank Sinatra

----- Original Message From: Dawn Hunt
Subject: If Frank Sinatra was a racist, which he WASN'T
He still probably wouldn't sing this Song

Apr 13, 2008

Sweet Home Alabama as performed by the Leningrad Cowboys

Sweet Home Alabama as performed by the Leningrad Cowboys
a little strange to say the least

Funny commercials

AOL Email 4 Top commercials
----- Original Message From: Dawn Hunt

Apr 11, 2008

Difference between Friday and Monday

h/t from Auntie Dee

Criss Angel Walking Through Window

h/t from Auntie Dee

Apr 1, 2008

Magic?....I'll show you some magic

The Best Sawed In Half Trick I Ever Saw

Mar 30, 2008


Music mashed with product commercials


A beautiful region of France......that made Germany bat crazy and invade. Very
German influence in this French land.

What happens when the boss calls in sick

Mar 29, 2008

Mar 20, 2008

Happy Birthday WAR!!!!!!!!!

Things you miss when you don't go to church


My Theme Song

a little song that everyone can identify with a little.



The Mountain Wingsuit

Check out this flying suit. Just slip it on and jump off a cliff.

Mar 3, 2008

Let's dance the Boogie Woogie

----- Original Message -----
From: Dawn Hunt

Loosing a Dog

The Cactus Cuties sing The National Anthem

Some young ladies sing the national anthem. One of the best renditions
I have ever heard, bar none.

Feb 28, 2008


Some people set up mall shoppers with a little joke.

Feb 24, 2008

Tunnel in Russia.....

This video is from a tunnel in Russia that is the longest in-city tunnel of Europe.   There is a river running over it and water leaks at some points.  When the temperature reaches -20 degrees like it did a few winters ago, the road freezes and the result is the attached video taken.


It was taken during A SINGLE DAY with the tunnel cameras.  Congratulations to the dual bus driver...This is better than turn 4 at Daytona. Remember-- this is only ONE day of video.

Bitch is the new black

A clever skit playing up Hillary.
<a href="" Target="_new">Watch it @ OneGoodMove</a>

Feb 23, 2008

Shampoo is cool


Feb 22, 2008

Hot Doggin' frm Jax







Feb 18, 2008


The PERITO MORENO GLACIER breaks up every four years like clockwork, give or take a week.
Photographers and adventeruers gather from aroun the world to catch it on film. It is really quite cool.

Feb 15, 2008

Feb 9, 2008


This video does a good job explaining the downside to immigration in the USA. I have many problems with this presentation being inside and part of a CHURCH SERVICE (churches have many things to be doing, protecting americans is not found in the new or old testament), I do not dispute the effectiveness of the presenter and presentation. Reminds me of an Inconvenient Truth type of presentation.

Feb 7, 2008

What am I bid?

A cute video about privitized fire departments.

Feb 6, 2008

John McCain Info

Don't know anything about this guy but he seems to know a little about John McCain. in 5 minutes you'll learn one thing about John and that is ..Torture doesn't work. He was tortured and cracked, but in cracking he was just feeding them the garbage they ask basically they got nothin. otherr interesting bits too.

Feb 3, 2008

Nice shot, man