Dec 26, 2008

Feynman: Take the world from another point of view 9 min

This post is mainly for my reference and also, I suspect, for my brother D. It is an interview with some dude that is researching quantum mechanics and I believe it is circa 1970(ish). This 4 part video spans philosophy and physics with a touch opf mathmatics.
Maybe you won't be interested in that but what intrigues me is the method of his thinking. It borders upon the insane but the reasonings are unreproachable.

part ll (9 min)
part lll (9:36 min)
part llll (9:02 min)

Dec 24, 2008

Santa Claus Boot Camp

h/t anewdawn

Dec 22, 2008

This is sick

and very funny

Raging Rudolph


Let's go Icefishing

h/t anewdawn

Dec 21, 2008



h/t AuntD

Inside the space station... so cool!

h/t SALBob

Dolphin Stampede

This is a great video if you like dolphin
h/t anewdawn

Dec 20, 2008

R/C plane stunt flying indoors

This is pretty cool work
h/t anewdawn

Dec 13, 2008

rock, paper, scissors

I love rock, paper, scissors as a waty to solve any dispute, but I have
never considered how lame paper actually was.

Don't forget that CHARITY begins at home!!

Dec 8, 2008



Dec 7, 2008

Meet Your Meat

Sorry the video was too fat to go to my blog or to you. Watch it here:
(for some reason you need to right click the link and save it to your computer to view.)
BAH! Bill Gates!!

Honesty is the best policy

Whoever said that was a damn liar.
Want proof, just watch the video for an honest to goodness look at what the capitalist bastards are doing to us. They are destroying any form of humanity we have left and they are making millions (billions?) doing it. The video is entitled "Meet Your Meat" and it is a look at what has become of those old ineffecient family farms. Why would somebody raise healthy delious meat when they can work for disneyland and make oodles of money to buy bacon.
If you got the guts - watch this and think about it when you are at WALMART. Don't worry I am not asking  you to become a vegatarian, because Monsanto and Dow and the like has perverted your vegatable selections also. We are doomed. Your children and their children are doomed. We need to take control BACK like the French did during their bourgeois revolution.
What kind of monsters work in a place like in this video? Regular people that need to pay their mortgage and have slowly become desensitized. Sad, very sad.

Conspiracy Therorist's

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of sheep making fun of people that have informed themselves. It seems that stupid people only appreciate stupid people and think that smart people should shut up so the stupid people don't feel bad about being stupid.
Everyone knows there are rich people controlling our society for their own personal gain, but when a person points it out and screams STOP! All the sheep go baaaaa baaaa and run to the guy with the axe. We know detroit is working with big oil, we know we have had the technology for YEARS to get us away from sucking the tit of arabia, but have hidden it. When are we going to say STOP IT and kill the guy with the axe?

Dec 6, 2008

Cookie Blues

Are sadistic people funny or are funny people sadistic?

Proof The Irish discovered Africa

Sorry but I love silly crap like this!

To All My Brooklyn Friends-


-and for those who WISH they were from Brooklyn




Extreme enough?

I have a feeling this is one fake video, but it is cool anyway.

When an Engineer Has a Dog ----- really neat


Beware of The Dog House!

Happy Penguin

This is a great video of Orca (killer) whales chasing a penguin around in the artic. The penguin makes an ingeniuos get-away.






Dec 3, 2008

Larry's Carols

h/t to anewdawn

Dec 1, 2008

two funny cat videos


Commercial ~(:>D)

OK, I have no idea where my good friend anewdawn gets all the videos, jokes,
pictures and stuff that she sends me. I like most of them and feel like
sharing. This one might make your chuckle.

h/t anewdawn
If you are on the hunt for great Freebies, check out Dawn's Daily Dandies

Politically incorrect Chrtistmas Stories

Watch this little clip of Larry the Cable Guy about christmas. Larry is from Sanford, FL and still lives here, though I haven't seen him at wal-mart-- yet.
**Disclaimer - I have NO problem with people hating on christmas, because there is NOTHING christian about it. It is not related to the birth of christ and santa is not religious. I say keep Christ out of christmas, as he did not ordain it, nor does it respect ANY christian teachings or principles. It IS a secular holiday and the proof is in YOUR HOLY BIBLE. With that said this IS funny.
h/t to anewdawn - If you are on the hunt for great Freebies, check out Dawn's Daily Dandies