Feb 28, 2009

Rethink Afghanistan While There's Still Time

Being a patriot does not mean you have to want to kill hodgies. Being a patriot means defending America. Too often I think we forget that and want to render some kind of perverse revenge. I recently read a letter to the editor that said in effect that it is ok to torture because the people we are torturing are bad people.
Well, that is absurd. If we torture then we are the bad people and deserve to be tortured. What sets Americans apart from the bad people is our christian morals and unwillingness to act that way. Ever see the movie Bridge Over the River Kwai? ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050212/ ) The idea is that the Japanese bad guy tortured the British Good Guy they lost honor and the Brit gained resepct and honor, by enduring. Well now they have the honor and respect and we lose face.
People in IRAQ and AFGANASTAN aren't the bad guys. They are people just like you and me. (remember the little song, Jesus loves the litttle children - that means he gets mad when we kill them), they have no power. We don't kill the people with power, just the pawns. We need to turn the people away from the warlords and we will do that with ipods faster than with machine guys and bombs.
I am just saying....

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