Feb 28, 2008


Some people set up mall shoppers with a little joke.

Feb 24, 2008

Tunnel in Russia.....

This video is from a tunnel in Russia that is the longest in-city tunnel of Europe.   There is a river running over it and water leaks at some points.  When the temperature reaches -20 degrees like it did a few winters ago, the road freezes and the result is the attached video taken.


It was taken during A SINGLE DAY with the tunnel cameras.  Congratulations to the dual bus driver...This is better than turn 4 at Daytona. Remember-- this is only ONE day of video.

Bitch is the new black

A clever skit playing up Hillary.
<a href="http://onegoodmove.org/1gm/1gmarchive/2008/02/its_not_too_lat.html" Target="_new">Watch it @ OneGoodMove</a>

Feb 23, 2008

Shampoo is cool


Feb 22, 2008

Hot Doggin' frm Jax







Feb 18, 2008


The PERITO MORENO GLACIER breaks up every four years like clockwork, give or take a week.
Photographers and adventeruers gather from aroun the world to catch it on film. It is really quite cool.

Feb 15, 2008

Feb 9, 2008


This video does a good job explaining the downside to immigration in the USA. I have many problems with this presentation being inside and part of a CHURCH SERVICE (churches have many things to be doing, protecting americans is not found in the new or old testament), I do not dispute the effectiveness of the presenter and presentation. Reminds me of an Inconvenient Truth type of presentation.

Feb 7, 2008

What am I bid?

A cute video about privitized fire departments.

Feb 6, 2008

John McCain Info

Don't know anything about this guy but he seems to know a little about John McCain. in 5 minutes you'll learn one thing about John and that is ..Torture doesn't work. He was tortured and cracked, but in cracking he was just feeding them the garbage they ask for...so basically they got nothin. otherr interesting bits too.

Feb 3, 2008

Nice shot, man